Q&A: How Much will it Cost to Upgrade My Computer?

Question by vgpower1510: How much will it cost to upgrade my computer?

Here are my options
1) I can install more Ram I have around 256 and want at least an additional 400-1000. Whats the price?Upgrade My Computer?
2) Upgrade my computer graphics card: which one is the best at the moment with a good price. I want one better than the one provided in the 2000/2001 model of the Compaq Preserio windows XP home edition. Budget max. 350 dollars.
3) Upgrade my computer. to a windows vista adding and amd 64 latest one or making it duo core. Budget:350 dollars.
which one is the best option and most affordable and what should i get?
If you need the model it is labeled at the end of option 2.

Best answer:

Answer by kiania
you dont need 2 unless if it is necessary.

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Can you recommend a good alternative to Microsoft Money?

Question by nick birch: Can you recommend a good alternative to Microsoft Money?

Microsoft MoneyI used to use Microsoft Money but I see they have stopped selling it.

Can you recommend a good personal financial budgeting software? I want to maintain detailed bank statements, pensions, mortgage info, and stock portfolios all in one place.

I want the functionility of Microsoft Money.


Best answer:

Answer by Robert M

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How do you Manage your Family Budget in One Income…?

Question by studentafter30: How do you manage your family budget in one income…?

Family Budgeti need some family budget advice how to save spme money every month.how stay home moms can contribute to family budget? we have two cars whuch we can not eliminate. we have one child and one is in plan.

Best answer:

Answer by familyof404
i would hold off on baby 2 4 now. trust me i have 3.check out suze orman on TV or the net she will help a lot with her advice. you can get her book the money book for the young, fabulous and broke. look into working from home on the net but be care full do research b4 signing up. i know we fell for it. and when money is tight u don’t want a rip off. good luck.

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How to Write a Monthly Personal Financial Budget Worksheet?

Question by Natasha: How to write a monthly personal financial budget worksheet?

Budget WorksheetI am trying to create a monthly budget worksheet on Rent, Utilities, Food, Clothes, Makeup, Savings, cell phone,

Best answer:

Answer by SoccerRefToo
Personal Financial Budget Worksheet Methods :
It is a continually changing thing. So you will modify it all the time…. just make it better and more truthful.

Put down your net income in the upper left corner of a sheet of paper.

Down the left margin start listing your fixed the budget worksheet monthly payment ie rent, card payments, phone, utilities. You will need your check stubs, records etc to do this accurately.

Then 1/2 of the page over, list your optional expenses for things like clothes, food, cash, fun, ANYTHING that you control the spending of, and you could choose to pay or participate in or not. AND in an emergency you could stop, without changing the needs in your life.

The last column is to list your wants…. what else you would like to do with your money. Ex. save $ 50 per paycheck for Christmas. Save $ 100 per check for a car or emergency. Pay extra on my card bills.

Total the columns. Now you can see the goal.

If there is anything left after column one (necessary) you have it to spend on column two (other). If there is money after that you have money for column three.

If you have extra money after column three AND YOU ARE BROKE your budget is off buy the fun stuff in column 2!!!!!!

The idea is to fund it all, if not fund column 1 first, column 3 second, and cut the expenses in column 2 to fund the those in column 3. Necessities first, goals 2nd, controllables 3rd. Yes food is controllable (and necessary) but you can control a lot of unnecessary spending there…. especially getting cash back … which disappears. Starbuck’s, you can stop or cut in half. Shopping becomes a planned thing not an impulse thing.

As I said, a budget changes all the time… it is the habits that it creates that will stay forever.

Good luck!


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How much money should teens put into the family budget for the family?

Question by Phamtastic: How much money should teens put into the family budget for the family?

When family finances are tight should teens be required to add a certain amount of income to the family budget in order to provide housing, food, etc. for the family budget? Why or why not?

Best answer:

Answer by evelynameliau
alot fuck
your parents raised you.
buy your mom a house man.

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Creating a Family Budget – month by month or average for year?

Question by QueAndAy : Creating a Family Budget – month by month or average for year?

Family BudgetWhen creating a family budget, for the budgeted expenses, do you prefer to take the average of the expense for the year and use the same amount for each month, or do you try to accurately put in the expected amount by month. I see advantages / disadvantages is both approaches. thx.

Best answer:

Answer by IKE R. FLORES
Your family budget is a projection of how much you expect to spend in a given time, say, a month. What will guide you better as to how much you will be spending each month? Averaging or approximation? What will provide you the closest figure to the real spendable amount will be the best option to take so your variance – actual versus budget – will not be that big. Otherwise, if your budget is way too low or way too high compared to the actual monthly spending, then what is that budget for anyway? You want to be able to allocate the right amount each month for spending so you will know how much you can safely set aside for savings, right? So choose the approach which will provide the one closest to reality.

How to Creating a Family Budget
Try perusing www.talkingofmoney.com for more insights on personal finance matters.

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Q&A: Looking for a good FREE Home Budget Software for Mac?

Question by alice_mayo: Looking for a good FREE Home Budget Software for Mac?
Hi! I’m looking for a site where I can download a FREE Home Budget Software that will work on my Mac. Any good FREE Home Budget Software for Mac?

Best answer:

Answer by aussie
go to “snapfiles” they have a lot of free stuff

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How to set a marital home in Fable II?

Question by SnowflakesShadow: How to set a marital home in Fable II?
This is actually an answer more than the question!! I wanted to keep the same family in the same town. To do this you must provide your spouse with another ring (I did one of greater value) and then purchase another address to set as the marital home. It looks like the original home’s budget then gets set to zero. However, I don’t see any option to rent or sell this address. Anybody know that?

Best answer:

Answer by Matt S
once you break up with your wive you can sell it and rent it


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Why do Republicans think that Business leaders can run government and that the economy is like a home budget?

Question by Zappa Fan: Why do Republicans think that Business leaders can run government and that the economy is like a home budget?

Like Meg Whitman in California. She has no political experience. But, Republicans are fawning all over her because she ran E-Bay. Businesses are not democracies, and it is not always a smooth transition from business to Government, where the situation is much more complex. Also, the economy is more complex than a home budget. This is what the Tea Partiers need to understand. Cutting spending isn’t always the best solution like it might be in a home.
Your thoughts?

Home Budget – Best Answer:

Answer by Holy Cow!
George Bush promised to run government like a business back in his 2001 campaign. I know he certainly bankrupted the government like one of his businesses.

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Spiritually speaking, have you ever wondered *where* Santa Claus gets the hundreds of millions of presents?

Question by Samian’s Fifteenth Account: Spiritually speaking, have you ever wondered *where* Santa Claus gets the hundreds of millions of presents?

I mean, just because I don’t ever get presents doesn’t mean that other people don’t either!

But I was wondering how Santa Claus could possibly deliver so many children to so many people, in such short time! Also, kids ask for EXPENSIVE presents, such as XBox 360s and Nintendo Wiis. Where does the financial budget to pay for all this come from? I hope its not taxpayer money…

Any ideas on this?

Best answer:

Answer by Kelly
I thought the elves made them and that Santa Claus was magic.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!